Association of Medical Research Charities (AMRC) Membership

National Eczema Society is thrilled to become an introductory member of the Association of Medical Research Charities (AMRC).

This membership aligns perfectly with our commitment to advancing eczema research and improving patient outcomes. Being part of such a prestigious network enables us to collaborate with over 150 other leading UK health charities and further our mission to support vital research that will enhance the lives of those affected by eczema.

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New Research

At National Eczema Society, we are pleased to see a wave of exciting research studies focused on the causes and treatments of eczema! After years of being overlooked, eczema is finally receiving the attention it deserves, and this positive trend is paving the way for a brighter future. With around 70 new treatments currently in development for atopic eczema, there’s a renewed sense of hope for the eczema community. Together, we’re moving towards a world where better solutions and improved care are within reach!

Drug Discoveries

Research into other inflammatory conditions, like arthritis, is shedding new light on the inflammatory processes behind eczema, and the UK is leading the charge in immunology research! This knowledge is opening exciting doors, as existing medications designed for other inflammatory diseases are being repurposed to tackle eczema. As a result, we’re seeing a rapid development of new drugs that could transform the way we manage this condition. Together, we’re paving the way for innovative treatments and brighter futures for those living with eczema!

For example, Dupilumab is the first biologic medical treatment for people with more severe eczema. Dupilumab has the potential to transform the lives of those for whom current treatments don’t work effectively. Introduced by the NHS for use with adults in 2018. It has since been made available to adolescents aged 12-17 years. Regulatory approvals are being sought to extend the use of dupilumab to treat younger children (aged 6-12 years) in the future.

The Society works with the National Institute of Health and Care Excellence (NICE) – and its equivalents in Scotland and Wales – to contribute patients’ perspectives in the assessment of new medicines. This is a vital role the Society plays; representing the collective voice of people affected by eczema.

Actively Supporting Research

National Eczema Society is actively involved in supporting eczema research.

  • We participate in study steering groups,
  • Provide patient insights for research projects,
  • Promote trials,
  • Work with many universities and companies developing new drug treatments.

We do this to help ensure research projects have the greatest chance of success in findings cures and treatments. Some initiatives, like the international BIOMAP project (, offer hugely exciting opportunities to better understand the causes of eczema and disease progression, opening the way for personalised medicine.

One of the National Eczema Society’s most vital roles is to ensure that the experiences and perspectives of people living with eczema are heard and valued by researchers. Our charity serves as a unique collective voice, representing the needs and concerns of the eczema community. That’s why we are frequently approached by researchers eager to tap into this valuable insight. We’re dedicated to supporting these efforts, working tirelessly to help drive the medical breakthroughs we all desire and deserve! Together, we can make a real difference in the fight against eczema.

Check out our new Research Recruitment webpage for open calls for patient participants. Or email to contact our Research Engagement Lead and be more involved in the charity’s work with researchers.

Statement on Animal Testing

The National Eczema Society and all members of the Association of Medical Research Charities adhere to AMRC’s position statement concerning the use of animals in research, prioritizing the 3Rs: Replacement, Refinement, and Reduction from the National Centre for the Replacement, Refinement, Reduction of Animals in Research.